"It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing. - Terry Pratchett"
Gertjan Filarski's face

Can software teams deliver basic quality?

Domain engineers are the missing link. I am excited to see specific disciplines being established to train such engineers like Bio-Informatics. Domain Engineers are natural bridge builders. To guarantee the delivery of quality in any software project, they should become a standard member of any project.

Code that does the right thing

We have many ways of proving that code does things right: unit tests, integration tests, Q&A-teams, and documentation. But there is no way we can prove that the code does the right things. We need to fix that. Domain Engineers have a crucial role to play here.

How do you verify trust?

Let's stop hoping software development projects will work out, and start trusting they will. But how do you validate trust?